Savvy Review – Worry Says What?

Hello, Savvy Friends! Today, I’d like to share a new picture book I received for review that focuses on worry and anxiety in children. The book is called Worry Says What? and it is written by Allison Edwards. According to, anxiety disorders affect one in eight children. When anxiety is left untreated, children are more likely to perform poorly in school. They are also likely to miss out on important social experiences.

I can already tell you, this book will be an excellent go-to resource for me during my individual counseling sessions with my little worrying friends as well as small groups and classroom counseling. Here’s a little about the book so you can determine just how it could fit into your school counseling program.

The book aims to help children “flip their thinking when anxious thoughts begin and turn them into powerful reminders of all they are capable of accomplishing.” The illustrations are adorable and provide a great way of helping young children “visualize” how worry can invade their thoughts. From doing school work and making friends to feeling confident about her abilities, you will see Worry constantly saying things to the young girl causing her to second guess her every move. Eventually, she decides to confront Worry and makes an important decision. I absolutely love the look on Worry’s face when our little friend says “I am DONE letting Worry be the boss of me!”

After this declaration, readers will see Worry attempting to hang around. However, now she tells Worry it’s time to go. Instead of believing what Worry says, she tells herself what’s true: She can do hard things. She has lots of friends, and just as important – She believes in herself. Worry becomes smaller and smaller and finally leaves…for now. Whenever he does come back, our little friend will be ready!

Wouldn’t you love for your students to have the skills to respond to worry as the little girl does on the cover of this book? Sharing Worry Says What? with your students can get them well on their way! It could possibly even help some adults! I love this book!

Would you like to win a free copy of the book, Worry Says What? Just visit the Savvy School Counselor Facebook Page to enter. The giveaway starts today and will run through Tuesday, September 11 at 9PM EST.

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