• Leadership Clubs for Boys - Savvy School Counselor

    Leadership Clubs for Boys

    As school counselors, we often provide behavior intervention for students who are making poor choices or who lack the skills needed to navigate a variety of social situations. In my experience, creating a leadership club specifically for boys helped to…

  • Welcoming New Students to School

    It’s already Back to School time for some school counselors, and it will be soon for many others. Today, I’d like to share with you my routine for welcoming new students to school. I believe it’s so important for school…

  • Using Legos In School Counseling

    It’s been a while, Savvy Friends! I hope this blog post finds all of you staying safe during this difficult time across the globe. I have wanted to share my thoughts on this resource for some time now, but when…

  • Share a Resource Sunday

    Hello, Savvy Friends! Today, I’d like to share a couple of resources with you that I received from Free Spirit Publishing. Both are written by Sue Graves. The two books are part of the “Our Emotions and Behavior” series which…

  • Digital Lessons for School Counselors

    Hello, everyone! I’m already thinking about the new school year and what changes/additions I would like to introduce to my school counseling lessons. Today, I want to tell you about some lessons I’ve used over the years and about a…

  • School Counseling Group: Attendance Matters

    In my school counseling program, I have enjoyed doing attendance small group sessions.  My students have really enjoyed the activities and seem to get the big picture of why regular school attendance is so important. The small group meets six…

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