The 12 Days of Good Attendance
The few weeks before winter break are a great time to focus on good attendance. In the post How Do You Encourage Good Attendance? I talked about one option called “Good Attendance is Coming to Town.” In the same fashion, The 12 Days of Good Attendance can be used to encourage kids to keep their attendance consistent until school releases for the holidays.
The simple activities would start when there are 12 days left of school. So, for example, if the last day is December 20, the first of the 12 days would be December 5. Each day, you can have an announcement that is read to the entire school. You could do them yourself, or you could choose 12 student readers to come and read the “Good Attendance Announcement of the Day.”
You can also draw names for simple prizes each day. Everyone in the school is eligible as long as they are in school. These can be school supplies like good attendance pencils, donated gifts or gift cards from fast food restaurants or stores in your community, sweet treats, or some other opportunities that aren’t tangible like shadowing the principal or being an office helper.
I would suggest selecting at least one student per grade level for tangible prizes. If your prize is an activity, how many you select is really up to you. For example, if your prize for the day is an extra 20-minute recess, you might have a set number of kids you want to select.
Whatever prizes you decide, you’ll want to advertise them beforehand as you introduce “The 12 Days of Good Attendance.” Once it has officially started, I would let each day’s prize be a surprise so kids can look forward to finding out what they could win.
Good Attendance Announcements
Here are some ideas you can use for your daily “Good Attendance” announcements. You can follow each announcement with the prize of the day and then draw or announce your winners. You can decide if they should come to the office immediately or if you will make deliveries. If the prize isn’t tangible, you can announce when students can plan to participate in the activity.
Foundation for Learning: “Good morning, friends! It’s day 1 of The 12 Days of Good Attendance. Think of school as a big adventure park filled with learning and fun. Every day you’re here, you are building the foundation for your future. Just like building blocks, each day at school adds to your learning, helping you grow smarter, stronger, and more prepared for the exciting journey ahead.”
Consistency Counts: “Welcome back, everyone! It’s day 2 of The 12 Days of Good Attendance. Did you know that being here every day helps you stay on track with your lessons? Coming to school regularly will help make sure that you don’t miss out on important information. It’s like watching your favorite TV series from start to finish. Coming to school regularly lets you follow the story of your education without missing an episode!”
Developing Responsibility: “Hello, superheroes! It’s day 3 of The 12 Days of Good Attendance. When you come to school every day, you’re practicing a very important character trait—responsibility. Showing up on time and ready to learn teaches you to be dependable, just like superheroes who always answer the call when their help is needed!”
Teamwork and Friendship: “Good morning, friends! It’s day 4 of The 12 Days of Good Attendance. School isn’t just about learning; it’s also about being part of a team. Your classmates count on you, just like you count on them. When you’re here, you’re contributing to the class’s teamwork, friendship, and fun experiences together.”
Building Confidence: “Rise and shine, (school mascot name)! It’s day 5 of The 12 Days of Good Attendance. Every day you’re at school, you’re adding to your confidence. By participating in class, completing assignments, and participating in class activities, you’re showing yourself how capable and brilliant you are. Every day you come to school, you believe in yourself more and more!”
Preparation for Success: “Welcome back, attendance stars! It’s day 6 of The 12 Days of Good Attendance. Did you know that your attendance now helps shape your future success? When you’re here, you’re practicing the habits that will help you to be successful later in life like attending your college classes and going to work on time.”
Discovering New Opportunities: “Good morning, friends! It’s day 7 of The 12 Days of Good Attendance. Attending school regularly provides a wealth of opportunities. Each day you’re here, you uncover new chances to learn, grow, and discover your talents. You never know what amazing things might happen when you’re present!”
Healthy Habits: “Hey there, (school mascot name)! It’s day 8 of The 12 Days of Good Attendance. Regular attendance at school helps you develop healthy habits. Just like eating fruits and veggies keeps your body strong, attending school regularly keeps your mind sharp and ready to take on new challenges.”
Respect for Learning: “Good morning, everyone! It’s day 9 of The 12 Days of Good Attendance. Guess what? Coming to school every day is like saying, ‘I love learning!’ When you’re here, it shows that you really care about all the cool things you can discover and learn. It’s like giving a big thumbs-up to education! So, keep up the great work with your awesome attendance because every day at school helps you grow smarter and shows how much you respect learning!”
Opportunities for Friendship: “Good morning, friends! It’s day 10 of The 12 Days of Good Attendance. Did you know that coming to school every day is not just about learning cool stuff? It’s also about making awesome friends! When you’re here, you get to hang out with your classmates, play games together, and have a lot of fun. Being at school each day gives you more chances to laugh, share, and make new friends. So, keep up the great attendance!”
Time Management Skills: “Welcome back, (school mascot name)! It’s day 11 of The 12 Days of Good Attendance. Coming to school regularly helps you learn an important skill—time management. Being here on time every day shows how well you can organize your day and set yourself up for success!”
Stronger School Community: “Welcome back, everyone! It’s day 12 of The 12 Days of Good Attendance. Your attendance plays a very big role in making our school a strong and exciting place to be. Each day you’re here, you help create a positive atmosphere, making our school an amazing place to learn and grow together!”
Pulling off The 12 Days of Good Attendance shouldn’t be difficult, but if for some reason you can’t do it before the winter break, it can really be done anytime during the school year. Let me know if you implement this or any other attendance activities before the holidays.
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Valerie Whitley
Love this idea!
Great! Thanks for your comment!
Love this idea. I’m going to implement this. Attendance is a huge issue for some of our kiddos. County fusses about it but it’s the same students. We’re an elementary school so I blame it on parent for absences o tardies.
Yes, that’s always the “catch” with elementary babies. It’s mostly out of their control. Thanks for your comment!