Social Detective Intermediate App Review

Social Detective AppToday I am sharing a new app called Social Detective Intermediate.  It is a collaborative app of Social Thinking and Social Skill Builder, Inc.   Thank you to Cheryl of Social Skill Builder, Inc. for providing the promo code for me to use in order to complete my review.

This app was created to follow the Social Detective Beginner app.  It was created for children seven years and older and focuses on helping them decode the thoughts and emotions of those they come in contact with.


Upon opening the app, new players are asked to create an avatar.  There are several to choose from.


Once completed, you are directed to touch the detective equipment to get started.  After clicking the Social Detective Notebook, a pretest is given. The player is asked to drag the correct thought over the head of someone in the picture.  Once the correct thought is identified, the player is asked to identify how the person in the scenario is feeling.  Finally, the player chooses the “smart guess” the character should make.  A smart guess is defined in the app as “when we use all of our tools (remembering, seeing, hearing, knowing and feeling) to figure things out and then make a guess based on what we know about the world.”  These are all important social skills students need to know and be able to display.

Next, there is a 42 question test which includes 14 video clips and again the player is asked to identify what one of the characters is thinking, feeling and his or her smart guess.  Throughout the test, positive reinforcement is given to encourage players showing how much progress has been made.


After completing the entire test, the player is then given access to the flashlight.  Another pretest is given to earn the flashlight.  The player is then given another round of  video test questions.  This round includes identifying the character’s thought, smart guess and plan after making the smart guess.  Halfway through this test, the player gets to make his or her own smart guesses and identify the tools used to make the guess.




My review of this app came just at the time a student was referred to me to address these very same areas covered throughout the game.  I really like that the app is interactive and that it gives immediate feedback and encouragement.  I like that it reads aloud to the player to assist those students needing reading support.  Finally, I really like that it builds elementary students’ vocabulary using words like considerate and annoyed.

You can check out a quick YouTube preview of the Social Detective Intermediate App below!

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