Reasons to Be a School Counselor – #NSCW23
It’s National School Counseling Week! This is the week when school counselors across the country “…focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems.” School counselors have a unique job that many don’t even begin to understand. It’s so important to take time this week to bring awareness to what school counselors do regularly to impact student success.
A couple of weeks ago, I asked a question on my social media profiles: Why did you become a school counselor? I absolutely loved seeing the responses. There were some that warmed my heart, and some that broke my heart. To kick off National School Counseling Week, I want to share a few of the reasons some of my Savvy Friends became school counselors.
Why School Counselors Do What They Do
As I read through the responses on my social media post, I could relate to so many of the school counselors who shared their “Why.” Here are just a few quotes from my post:
“It evolved to that after being a teacher and before that a social worker. For me it was a journey. Still is learning more every day.”
“It’s a calling. I know. It sounds cheesy to many, but it’s the truth! Truly! I believe I experienced what I did, in my childhood, to prepare me to serve/help children (& families)! I feel blessed to do what I do every single day!”
“I was in crisis mental health (hospitals) for a decade before making the switch this year. I wanted to be on the proactive end to build some scaffolding so those crises might be avoided altogether!”
“— every student deserves someone who will love them and help them achieve their dreams regardless of what mistakes they make or what they’ve been through.”
“Maslow before Bloom’s…As a teacher I saw that kids’ academic needs could not be met without their emotional needs being met, as well.”
“I wanted to be there for students like me who have lost loved ones (and everyone else) and help support them in school.”
“I want to be a safe and nonjudgmental person for all kids, no matter their background.”
“Because of my wonderful High School Counselor Mr. H. He was amazing and I wanted to impact children like he did me.”
“To help keep students in school and not end up in the Juvenile system. I used to be a Juvenile probation officer.”
“I wanted to save a life because one saved mine.”
“To be a support and make them aware that they matter and have options and a space to be heard -nothing better than working with students and learning from one another.”
“Being in a high-poverty area, I wanted to be a strong advocate for my students. We all know one person can make a difference! And I wanted to be that person!”
“Feelings matter and being taught, aware and understanding of them matter!”
“I love helping people around so I channel my interest to become a school counselor in order to help students achieve their academic goals, I love seeing them becoming great and that gives me so much Joy.”
Some became school counselors because of past experiences where the counselor wasn’t present for them. This resonated for me as someone who lost her mother in 8th grade with no memory of having a counselor to check in with me. Here are some of those responses:
“When I was in high school, my guidance counselor only signed off on my semester course selections. The college counselor was there but not very involved. I felt if I had someone who was working closely with me, I would have made better choices immediately for myself instead of taking a long road. I wanted to help others so they wouldn’t have to navigate this road alone.”
“To be who I needed when I was younger and to make an impact.”
“…I was working in After school and I would reach out to school counselors when my students were going through difficult times. Some were not very receptive or compassionate. I realized it was time for me to go back to school and become the person I needed as a child. To be there for all of these students going through big things.”
“To be the counselor I didn’t have growing up.”
“I was horribly bullied in school. I wish I had someone to talk to, especially away from home. I want to be the kind of School Counselor that I didn’t have growing up but definitely needed.”
I truly hope that our students will be able to look back on us as their former school counselors and say that we were there for them and provided the support they needed, especially over these last three years.
Whatever your reason is, I want you to know that what you do is so important. It’s crucial to have a “Why” and to stay focused on that, especially when things get tough.
Happy National School Counseling Week!
NSCW23 once again coincides with the site-wide TPT sale from February 7-8. I think the timing is perfect! Participating stores will typically have all of their resources discounted. You’ll see “up to 25% off” on most posts about the sale because stores have options for how much they want to discount their resources. (10%, 15%, 20%) The extra 5% comes when you use the Promo Code: FEBSALE23
The Savvy School Counselor Store will be on sale and discounted by the full 25% off when you use the code. From The Savvy Files Series to my Monthly Activity Packs and more, I have several activities in my store to supplement your school counseling lessons, small groups, and individual sessions. Please be sure to visit! Your support is always greatly appreciated!
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