• 8 Tips New Test Takers Should Know

    I was determined to find a new way to review test taking tips with our third graders this school year.  As everyone knows, this is their first year taking the “Big Test.”  In the past, I have worked with third…

  • National Boards: Start Planning Now!

    This is the time of year when teachers and school counselors around the United States begin to consider pursuing candidacy for the National Boards for Professional Teaching Standards.  I was in this boat back in 2008.  In the spring, my…

  • Don’t Bite the Hook!

    Simon’s Hook is a wonderful book about how Grandma Rose teaches Simon to deal with teases and put downs.  It is one of my favorites to use with my second graders.  However, I keep it on stand-by for individual counseling…

  • Lunch Bunch Anyone?

    In addition to regular small groups, I began incorporating Lunch Bunch groups into my school counseling program during the 2010-11 school year.  My goal was to connect with more students in a smaller group setting.  Additionally, I wanted to address…

  • And So It Begins…

    Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my new blog, Savvy School Counselor. I’m Vanessa, and I am very excited to be able to use this platform to share with others some of the ideas and tools…

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