National Boards: Component 1 Assessments
Component 1 is all about content knowledge. For this component, you will take a computer-based assessment including 45 multiple-choice items and 3 essay-styled exercises. In this post, I will run through what you can expect during the assessment and suggestions for preparing as well.
Unpacking and Preparing for Component 1
Component 1 consists of the following:
45 Response Items (Multiple Choice) covering Standard I (School Counseling Program), Standard X (Leadership, Advocacy, and Professional Identity), and Standard III (Human Growth and Development). These 45 items will provide 70% of your overall score.
3 Response Exercises (Essays) covering Standard IV (Counseling Theories and Techniques) and Standard V (Equity, Fairness, and Diversity) These response exercises will make up the remaining 30% of your overall score.
As with all of the other components, you should continue to rely on the standards as you prepare for the assessment. Let the standards and the rubrics guide your preparation. I personally pulled out my graduate school notes and textbooks when I was preparing. I also focused on the ASCA National Model. At the time, I was not aware of any study guides to purchase, so everything I did to prepare was on my own.
The Component 1 guidelines provide sample items to use for practice. You should also check out The National Board Tutorials to get a feel for how the assessment screen will look and function. There are also guides available that you may choose to purchase and use for preparation as well. I believe study guides can be very helpful. I also believe you can prepare for this assessment without them. As I’ve said before, you know what works best for you, so do whatever that is.
When to Take Component 1
When you take component 1 will really depend on how you are approaching your overall candidacy. I know many of you are tackling one component at a time or two at the most. When I was an initial candidate, I saved the assessments as the very last thing. I decided that I wanted to spend my time focusing on my lessons and my writing first. I finished the 4 required entries, which were due by the end of March, and then I completed the assessments in June. During that time, the assessment was not an Entry (or component) like Component 1.
I know there are still some of you who are choosing to complete all four components during one school year. If so, I still suggest saving the assessment until the end. Of course, you know best how you deal with assessments and should govern yourself in the way that best meets your situation.
The current portfolio submission window is April 1 through May 17. The assessment window is March 1st through June 15th. Try to schedule your assessment date about a month in advance if possible. You are still able to schedule your assessment date as close as 24 hours before, but do that at your own risk. You’ll want to make sure you are able to secure a spot at whatever center you decide to take the test, so try your best to stay ahead when it comes to scheduling.
Don’t limit yourself to the exact city or town where you live. I traveled to another city to take my assessment in order to secure childcare for my daughter with my dad that day. So be sure to think through everything when selecting your testing site.
One last thing that is important to remember about component 1 is that you must be knowledgeable in all levels of the certificate area. For school counselors, this will include ages 3-18+. So, even though I have spent my entire career with elementary-aged students, I needed to make sure I was well-informed about middle and high-school-aged students as well in each of the standards for this component. Plan to step outside of your usual area of expertise. It may even be a good idea to have conversations about the standards with colleagues of different levels.
Although my post – National Boards: Assessment Center – is focused on the original NBPTS process, be sure to check it out. You may find another helpful nugget to think about for preparing for Component 1.
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Also, be sure to join the National Boards Support for School Counselors Facebook Group.

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