National Boards: 3 Important Things to Do Now
As a “National Board Certified Teacher” in the area of school counseling, I understand how beginning the process as a new candidate can seem overwhelming. The process has changed over the years to reduce some of that, but I know there are still many who just aren’t sure where to start.
Today, I want to talk about what the current process involves and what you should do to get the ball rolling. Although it’s November, you still have plenty of time to get your plan organized and to be ready to submit your portfolio component(s) in the spring.
National Board Requirements
Component 1 – Content Knowledge: Assessment which involves 45 selected response items (multiple choice ) and 3 constructed response exercises (short answer/prompts).
Component 2 – Differentiation in Instruction: Design a small group that focuses on a critical need and provide the appropriate differentiated instruction for the students involved.
Component 3 – Teaching Practice and Learning Environment: This component will capture details about instructional planning. Candidates provide two videos that demonstrate different teaching formats (whole class, small group, or individual sessions) and address student competencies in the academic, career, and/or social/emotional domains.
Component 4 – Effective and Reflective Practioner: Develop knowledge of students, apply that knowledge to advance their learning and growth, provide evidence of collaboration and the assessments used, and show evidence of the information gained that positively impacts student learning.
1 – Decision About Components
The National Boards process is designed so that you can complete it in increments or in totality. You may choose to complete all four components in one year, or you may choose to break it up over three years. It’s all about what works best for you. If you need to retake a component, you will have up to two opportunities to do it. Once you start the process, you have a window of five years to successfully complete all of the components.
The current deadline to decide which National Boards components you will complete for this cycle is February 28, 2023. Now is still a good time to even consider becoming a candidate if you are not already. This deadline gives you plenty of time to determine if you will be able to successfully complete the components you’d like to by the time the portfolios are due to be uploaded.

2 – Gather the Data and Layout the Plan
Components 2, 3, and 4 require candidates to address the needs of students in a variety of ways. As you are deciding which components to attempt during this cycle, it’s a good idea to have an overall plan of what you want to address for each and also the ways in which you will provide the instruction. When you look at your whole portfolio, whether you do it all in one year or not, you want it to present a variety of examples of your work with students for the National Boards assessors.
For component 1, you will need to address a critical student need. You’ll be required to collect and analyze the data related to that need. This component also requries that you conduct a small group. Behaviors, trauma, or a decrease in academic growth could be considered critcal needs. Every school is unique. This is a good time to connect with your administration as they can be very helpful in this area. Many school districts also provide data portals where you can access various information specific to your school which can be very helpful as well.
You may also create a survey to collect data. If you conduct Minute Meetings, you could gather data about a specific idea you may want to address in component 1.
The year I completed my initial portfolio for National Boards, I had plans to do a friendship group. Every year, without fail, there is a group of girls who need extreme intervention. However, a few weeks into the school year, one of our teachers died in a car accident, and assisting the students in that class immediately became the critical need at my school. Because I had not been collecting data over time for this unexpected event, I had to survey students and gather information from teachers, parents, and administration to support what was then Entry 1.
As you think about components 3 and 4, you will want to determine what you would like to focus on for your two videos and how you will demonstrate your assessment practices based on your collaboration with learning communities. Just as it is with Component 2, anazlying your school’s data as well as your own data is key.
Again, you want your National Boards Portfolio to show a wide-range of examples of your program and the ways in which your work with your students. When I certified, the portfolio dictated where a whole class, small group, and individual session would be. The current process gives you more freedom to decide what you want to provide as your evidence and whether it focuses on the academic, career, or social/emotional domain. Make sure you “spread the love” as you make your plan by using various topics for each component.
3 – Get Release Forms Completed Early
The third tip is short and simple. As you are making your plan, decide which classes/students you will be working with and get those release forms sent home so you can have them returned well in advance. Give yourself enough time to resend forms home with those who may misplace them. I like to attach my own letter to the form for parents as well just to add a personal touch and to give them a quick read that explains everything.
If you are not already on the National Boards email list, be sure to sign up. Once you do, you will receive an email with a link to a survey. I am using the survey to direct my future National Boards content where possible. I’ll be emailing the list soon to talk about the survey results so far.
Also, be sure to join the National Boards Support for School Counselors Facebook Group.
I will be posting about the NBPTS process again soon as I work to add updates to my page.
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