Luna Loves Library Day: Family Changes
Thursday, March 2nd, is Read Across America day. This date is the birthday of Dr. Seuss, and it became an annual reading celebration in 1997. The National Education Association created this day to “…promote literacy and encourage a love of reading among children.”
So, in the “Read Across America” spirit, I thought it would be the perfect time to tell you about a sweet book called Luna Loves Library Day * by Joseph Coelho. It’s a reasonably quick read although it contains a short embedded narrative. This book is one of four books about Luna, but I want to tell you why I like this specific one for elementary school counselors.
WHY Luna Loves Library Day
Luna and her mom are getting ready to head to the library when the story begins. It’s evident that these trips occur regularly as Luna has books to return. Luna eagerly grabs her library card and mom helps her with her book bag.
Once they arrive, we see dad sitting inside reading a book and waiting for Luna. We see Luna waving bye to her mom before heading inside, but we don’t see mom. Now we discover WHY Luna loves library day. Library day is a special time Luna has with her father who no longer lives with her and her mother.
Luna and her father immediately begin looking for books to check out, and as she finds them, she puts them into her book bag to check out later. She soon finds a book about magic. Luna’s dad knows different magic tricks. Luna thinks about how her dad “…knows how to disappear.” Because she wants to learn how to bring him back, she puts the magic book into her book bag to check out.
I mentioned earlier that Luna Loves Library Day * has a book within a book. Luna and her dad sit and read the book together. The Troll King and the Mermaid Queen is all about a princess whose mommy (The Mermaid Queen) and daddy (The Troll King) are having a difficult time getting along despite their deep love for her. Things become more and more unsettled in the home, and eventually, the Troll King leaves.
The story ends with the princess hugging the Troll King as he expresses to her that the depth of his love will never change even though he is no longer there. Then, we see Luna and her daddy in a loving embrace.
Luna checks out her books, and in the end, we see Luna at home looking through her “…book bag full of memories…”
Luna Loves Library Day * is an adorable story and perfect to use with elementary students when discussing family changes. It’s a great example of co-parenting after separation or divorce. The message expresses to children that although their parents may not stay together, it doesn’t change the fact that they love their children deeply and want the best for them. It can also help them understand that they are not to blame for their parent’s decision to part ways.
This book also provides a positive example for children in this situation. They are able to see how happy it makes Luna to spend the day with her dad and the memories she continues to make with him even though he is no longer living in the home.
You can check out the author and illustrator sharing Luna Loves Library Day in the video below.
I stumbled upon this gem when I participated in a friend’s Usborne Book Party, and I’m so glad I did! This book would make an excellent addition to your school counseling library. It’s perfect for K-2 students and provides a gentle way to discuss family changes with them.
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