Look Who’s Been Spotted!- ESC .org

When it comes to finding exciting and creative ideas for my school counseling program, I always check out Marissa Rex at ElementarySchoolCounseling.org.  I truly want to try new things after viewing her videos and reading about the creative ways she presents different topics to the students at her school.  I could name several things from her site that I love, but I will try to limit myself to three! 🙂

  • When I saw her series of videos for “Adventures with Tim,” I just had to find my own puppet, or “Whatnot,” for my school.  Tim catches students being good and makes video clips highlighting positive behaviors.  I went to the website she mentioned and played around a little with the whatnot maker.  My whatnot wasn’t anywhere as cute as Tim, and I was dismayed. Then I remembered… I already have a great puppet in my office that would work.  All I need to do is name her and maybe get a new outfit for her. Okay… DEFINITELY get a new outfit for her since she looks like she could guest star on Little House on the Prairie.  Anyway, this is a great idea to add to my school’s Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiative.
  • Marissa also has a video podcast on her YouTube channel.  She showcases ideas she uses in her school counseling program like using food to show feelings and using the game Whoonu in small groups. Additionally, she has several playlists categorized by topic and ready to use. Some of the playlist topics include bullying, self-esteem, and feelings.  With this new inspiration, I hope to one day get over being camera shy so I can add a few videos to my YouTube channel. (Fingers crossed!)
  • ESC.org gives several lesson ideas for a long list of topics from individual counseling all the way to school-wide programs.  Marissa graciously provides her powerpoints and PDF documents for your use. Awesome!
As the author of a new blog, the first thing I noticed about Marissa when I launched was her immediate support.  I’m sure she’s just being her usual self, but for me it really meant a lot when she tweeted me and congratulated me on launching my blog.  She also added my blog to her list of resources that same day which has added several new visitors here at Savvy School Counselor. Thank you, Marissa!
I decided to create Look Who’s Been Spotted to highlight blogs and websites I follow and enjoy.  These sites will gradually create a list on the My Favorites page.
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