It’s Cool to Be Kind!
As you are planning for a new school year, here’s an idea for your school counseling program that is all about KINDNESS! Today’s post is a simple but meaningful lesson on kindness using one of my favorite books, A Little Spot of Kindness by Diane Alber.
I’m sure you’ve probably heard about Diane Albers Little Spot Series. If you haven’t, check them out! There are so many cute books that can be implemented into your school counseling program. A Little Spot of Kindness is the first one of several that I purchased.
I have typically focused on the character trait of kindness in December. I believe that time of the year is perfect for helping students understand how showing kindness toward others can really make them feel good inside. When we give and do nice things for others, we get a gift in return that isn’t tangible. It’s a great time to get students thinking about the different ways they can show kindness. Although December is a time a giving, I always stress that Kindness is an all year trait, just like the others we talk about each month.
A Little Spot of Kindness makes way for conversation with your students throughout the reading. It reminds students that we can make the CHOICE to be kind and it goes on to give several examples. We can show kindness by supporting others, sharing with others, being friendly and polite, by apologizing, helping, and being patient. Students will learn that they are even showing kindness when they keep their rooms clean. As I would read through each example, I would ask if someone could explain why that particular example of kindness is important. I have had great conversations with students about the importance of kindness using this book for both virtual and in-person learning.
In keeping with the theme of the book, I always had colorful dot stickers and made sure each student had a spot to wear on the back of their hand for the rest of the day to remind them to show kindness. They really loved that!

As an extension to the book, I would provide a Christmas tree bulb/light on colored card stock for them to cut out and complete the sentence: I can light up the world with kindness by… I would then string the bulbs and hang them around my classroom or in their classrooms or hallways. I created a couple of FREE kindness printable sheets you can use anytime along with my “It’s Cool to Be Kind” poster. Enjoy!
FREE Radiate Kindness Printable
FREE Bloom with Kindness Printable
FREE It’s Cool to Be Kind Poster Printable
The Kindness Files in The Savvy Files Series is also a great extension activity you can use with this book or any kindness lesson.
Let me know if you’ve ever used the book A Little Spot of Kindness and what activities you’ve used with it.
There is still time to sign up for the Summer Counselor Conference. I am presenting tips for being on the specials rotation. Be sure to check it out if you haven’t already registered.
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*Disclosure: I earn commissions from any Amazon sales through links on my blog.
Barbara Gruener
Thank you, Vanessa, for these cool kindness downloads. Your generosity continues to inspire me!
You’re welcome, Barbara! Thanks for visiting!
Vanessa, thank you for the Kindness downloads!
You’re welcome! Enjoy!