Attendance Small Group Unit Update
School attendance has always been one of my favorite areas to focus on. The reasons for poor school attendance can vary from elementary to high school. Elementary school counselors are usually aware that attendance concerns can often be out of the hands of many of our students. It remains vital to instill in younger students the reason why attendance matters so when they do have the opportunity to make their own choices, they will make the best ones.
In September, I asked How Do You Encourage Good Attendance? and I wrote about different incentives I’ve used in my own school counseling program through the years. One thing I’ve used over time is my own resource: School Attendance Matters – A Six-Session Small Group Unit. Many educators have purchased this unit over the years from my store. I recently “refreshed” the look and color scheme, and I added a sequencing activity to the second session. I also tweaked session 3 to remove the videos section of the lesson.
Overall, the unit remains close to the original. Today, I want to share a few details about each session. I’ll be discounting the unit through midnight tonight for anyone wanting to join the 1,600+ other educators using this attendance unit.
Attendance Unit Sessions
Session 1 – The Attendance Matters unit comes with a parent/guardian permission letter. The letter mentions that students are chosen based on data. I’ve sent letters for groups in advance, and I’ve also pulled students for the first group and sent letters home for permission to continue seeing students. Handle the permission letter in whatever way works best for you.
The first session is when the incentive charts should be discussed if you choose to use them. The chart has enough spaces for six weeks so students can keep track of their attendance throughout the group. The resource includes some suggestions on rewards such as extra recess or a special lunch bunch time. Of course, rewards can be whatever you decide, but they don’t have to involve making purchases unless you choose.
The remainder of the session is spent discussing reasons why school attendance matters and filling in the circles on the brainstorming map. There are cards to assist with the discussion. Students also have a form to write their top 10 reasons to remember from the discussion.
Session 2 – This session involves a discussion about responsible routines that play a part in staying on track with good attendance. This session still includes a foldable for students to fill in with their own morning, after-school, and nighttime routines.
The newest additions to this resource are the sequencing cards. There are 4-5 cards for each section (morning, after school, and nighttime). You can make enough sets for each person in your group to put in order or you can have one set and have them work together. Not pictured are worksheets where students can number the pictures in sequential order.
The addition of the cards supports students with completing the foldable. Students are not required to use what’s on the cards, but they will be helpful for those who can’t think of anything to write behind each of the flaps during the session.
Session 3 – The third session allows time for reviewing the first two groups using the cards from both sessions and the brainstorming map. During this activity, students will make a fortune teller documenting their choice of eight important things to remember about attendance and responsible routines.
Session 4 – Because it’s important for kids to begin with the end in mind, this session encourages students to think about their path from elementary school to having a career as an adult. After a group discussion about the sentences, students put them in sequential order on the filmstrip and then illustrate and color each one.
Session 5 – The fifth session includes The Attendance Game. This board game is another fun way to review everything that has been discussed throughout the group. Some of the questions will be specific to your school such as the start time.
Session 6 – As you prepare to bring the attendance group to a close, this session gives students an opportunity to have one last discussion with a Roll and Respond discussion starter card. There is also an exit ticket for them to complete, and if you had them use the incentive chart, you can let them know what they’ve earned.
One other idea is to give each student a pocket folder or a file folder to store all of the activities and charts in. You can keep the folders in your office, pass them out and collect them for each group session, and then give them to students to keep after the last session. This will help students stay organized and keep all of their attendance group materials in one location.
Check out the School Attendance Group – 6 Session Pack in my store. Again, it will be discounted through tonight. If you already own it, be sure to download the updated version which will include the additional sequencing cards and worksheets for session 2.
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