National Boards Support
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards
I completed the National Board certification process during the 2008-2009 school year. I was extremely excited to certify after my first attempt. I have had the opportunity to help a few people through the process and thought my blog would be a great platform to use to give tips and suggestions to school counseling candidates for NBPTS. I will add a link to each blog post I write on this page. Although I have a “game plan,” your input is welcome. Please contact me with any areas you’d like me to address in these posts.
The National Board Counseling Collective
Are you looking to share ideas and collaborate with other school counseling candidates for National Board Certification? If so, I hope you’ll consider joining me and my NBPTS Candidate Friends in the NBCC! The National Board Counseling Collective has officially started as of September 30, 2023, and live virtual sessions will be happening each month! Become a member and join us!
Calling All NBCT School Counselors and those who are candidates for certification!! Please join these Facebook groups to help or to get help! As someone who has gone through both processes, I found both times how difficult it is to find a support system specifically for school counselors. In fact, although I joined a very helpful and supportive Facebook group during the renewal process, it was full of teachers. I wasn’t able to ask school counselors questions that they would understand and be able to follow a lot better than a teacher would. In order for this group to be effective, we will need current NBCTs to join to offer feedback and support to current NBCT candidates. I want school counselors to have a place to go to talk with other counselors as they go through the NBPTS process. I can tell you that having support is crucial and the support of school counselors specifically will be very beneficial.
Here are the links to both groups:
Please click the link below to join a mailing list that is specific to National Boards Certification:
Newer Posts (Effective 2022)
- National Boards: 3 Important Things to Do Now
- National Boards: Planning for Component 2
- National Boards: Component 3 Videos
- National Boards: Guidelines for Component 4
- National Boards: Component 1 Assessments
Previous Posts
- National Boards: Start Planning Now!
- National Boards: Begin With the End in Mind
- National Boards: Connecting Entries to Standards
- National Boards: Documented Accomplishments
- National Boards: Part 2- Documented Accomplishments
- National Boards: 5 “Must-Do’s” for Entry 4
- National Boards: Organization is Key!
- National Boards: Planning for Entry 1
- National Boards: Pointers for Videos
- National Boards: Entry 2- Exploring Career Development
- National Boards: Understanding Entry 3
- National Boards: Assessment Center
Important Note: I am unable to read your individual NBPTS entries. As much as I would love to help, I have received several requests already, and I realized it is not a feasible commitment for me. I am happy to answer questions you may have and give specific advice, but please do not send me your entries to read. I would not want to short change anyone by taking on more than I am feasibly able to handle. I wish everyone success in this process, and I am still here to answer any questions you may have.
Brilliant idea to put the links all together in one post! Why didn’t I think of that!!!! Thanks for the great idea – I’m going to do the same thing for my sexual abuse prevention posts. Happy New Year!
Thanks, Rebecca! Happy New Year to you too!
Does anyone have help, examples, samples, etc. for National Board renewal for school counselors? Thanks.
Hi I am renewing now and I too am looking for help. I got my NBCC in 2008. If anyone has any examples, samples, etc. for renewal I would also like to know. Thanks, MJ
Amy Reese
I am renewing now and would appreciate any ideas that were shared with you from this post.
This is helpful – I just certified in November 2012!!!
Congratulations to you, Sharon!!
I am looking for information on National Board renewal for school counselor.
Hi, Dedra! The renewal process is something I haven’t experienced yet, so I can’t speak to it right now. I have another three years before I start. This November will be my 5th NBCT anniversary.
Kim Jessee
Question for Dedra…Did you go through the renewal process and if yes do you have any tips for me. Thanks, Kim PK-5
Anyone working on renewal currently? Any suggestions you have would be appreciated.
Hi! I am just hitting year five and won’t be tackling renewal for at least another 3-4 years. I do not have that experience yet. Hopefully if someone does, they will chime in. You can also ask on my Facebook page. Let me know if you would like to pose a question to my followers.
Looking for any other school counselors in the renewal process or already renewed. eportfolio window opens April 1 and submission deadline is May 20. I am in my 8th year of certification and have paid my fees and started the process.
I’m in my 6th year, so I do not have the experience yet to write about it. I’ll definitely write about it when I do though. You’ll have to give me some pointers! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by!
I am also attempting renewal this year, my 8th year. I would be open to discussing. It seems like there are so many teachers, but so few counselors to support and encourage each other!
Ingle in NC
Kim Jessee
Ingle, did you go forward with the renewal last May? I waited until this year. I would love to know about your experience and any tips or pointers you can send my way. I will have to be successful with this one attempt since I am in year 9.
Hi Kim, I am in the process of renewing this year. You can email me directly at anecia_robinson@yahoo.com if you like.
Melissa Guida
Hello Ladies,
I am in the process of renewing my certification. I’d love to hear any advice you are willing to share. As a school counselor, it is a lonely process.
Ingle Armstrong-Sloop
Kim, I did renew last year because I didn’t want to take any chances! I was very thorough in reading through and restating the requirements and match them my professional experiences. I wrote, revised, re-read, and had several non-counselors read over my writing to make sure it was easy to understand. I stressed too much over it, but made it through! You will be fine, just make sure to address all required aspects and follow the outlines provided. Good luck!
Melissa Guida
I certified one school year after you. Have you renewed your certification or are you in the process of doing so?
Hi, Melissa! Yes, I’ve been working on my renewal. I finally submitted my portfolio a few days ago. You are right, it is a lonely process for school counselors.
Hi! I am waiting on my scores to arrive on Dec. 1st. It has been a stressful process because now I am thinking about all the things I could have done differently. Wish me luck!!
Don’t second guess yourself. Believe you’ve done what you needed to do! Please let me know how things go.
Amy Reese
I trying to get started on my renewal but I seem to be at a loss as to where to start. I’m not sure that I am looking at my professional development the way i need to for this. Not many counselors out there to ask.
Hello, Amy! I’ll be emailing you!
amy rosser
Hi there! I am working on all 4 components here in 2023! I am struggling to pick apart component 4 and figure out what exactly I need to do. I think things were different when these original blog posts were made. Any help 🙂
Hello, Amy! Thanks for your comment. I have emailed you.
Hi Vanessa! Thank you for the supports you have provided for School Counselors seeking National Board. I’m in the same boat as Amy, above. Could you please email me with any help for unpacking component 4. I can’t decide where to start. I’m leaning on selecting a small group of students instead of an entire class, but I just need a little guidance on the best way to get my wheels moving. Thank you!
Hi, Jenn. I will email you.
Chelsie Picon
Hello! I am looking into doing my National Boards for School Counseling during the 2023-24 school year. My question is do you sign up for the components and pay for them first and then register later on in the school year? I am a bit confused by their website timeline. Thank you!
Hi, Chelsie!
Each component is $475. You can pay as early as you want once the new school year begins, but all payments must typically be received by February 28 (or 29th). So whether you do all 4 or just one, you have until the end of February to make your official payment. You will also need to pay a $75 registration fee annually.
Jessica Bishop
Hi Vanessa,
If I want to cite data from the CDC as part of my “why” for component 2, is this allowed? Encouraged? Discouraged?
Thank you!
Not knowing the context for which you plan to cite the CDC, I would say I do not believe citing any data would be discouraged. As long as you are providing evidence and using the standards and the level 3 and/or 4 rubric as a guide, you should be fine.