Open House: 5 Ways to Promote Your Program
Open House is an excellent time to engage directly with your students and their parents. As many of you know, most people generally have no idea what school counselors do. Why not take advantage of the time you have access…
Summer Counselor Conference: Early Bird
Registration opens today for the online Summer Counselor Conference! Many of you joined us last year for the first time, and I’m hoping you’ll join us again for even more learning and fun. It’s all online, so be my guest!…
Closing Out The School Year
With the end of the school year in sight, there are many things to consider before cleaning up your office and heading home for summer break. Closing out the year can actually be one of the busiest times. On top…
“School Counselor” Appreciation Sale!
Teachers Pay Teachers is celebrating Teachers Appreciation Week. My sale, of course, is especially for school counselors! Here are the details: The sale is May 9-10. You can save up to 25% off in all of the participating stores. The…
8 Tips for 504 Coordinators
Section 504 came into existence in 1973 to prohibit discrimination against individuals based on disability in any federally funded program or activity. 504 coordinators are responsible for assuring that students with disabilities are able to receive the accommodations and services…
Reasons to Be a School Counselor – #NSCW23
It’s National School Counseling Week! This is the week when school counselors across the country “…focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems.” School counselors have a unique job that many don’t even begin…