College and Career Readiness
If there is one area I want to see grow in my school counseling program, it is college and career readiness. Today, I am sharing a great resource and a bulletin board idea. First, I want to share a book…
Teaching Good Study Habits
Don’t you just love when you choose a school counseling resource online and SCORE!? Well, let me tell you about another resource from Youthlight that you should consider adding to your collection of resources. STEP UP to Better Grades was…
Teaching Social Skills
I recently acquired a wonderful new resource from Youthlight, Inc. that’s already a “go to” for my school counseling program. It’s called First Steps to Social Success by Diane Senn and is for grades K-6. Whenever new school counselors ask…
Introducing the School Counselor
I recently received my copy of a new book for introducing the school counselor. The book is called Mrs. Joyce Gives the Best High-Fives by Erainna Winnett, and it is geared toward Kindergarten through 6th Grade. The role of the…
Leo the Lightening Bug-Perseverance
When teaching about perseverance in my school counseling program, I always reach for one of my favorite books by Eric Drachman. Leo the Lightening Bug is an adorable story of perseverance. Little Leo is the “littlest” lightening bug of all…
Tough!- A Bully’s Perspective
I have thoroughly enjoyed presenting The Weird Series by Erin Frankel during my school counseling lessons with my fourth grade friends. I wrote previously about the book Weird! which tells the story from the perspective of a victim and Dare! which…