Introducing the School Counselor
I recently received my copy of a new book for introducing the school counselor. The book is called Mrs. Joyce Gives the Best High-Fives by Erainna Winnett, and it is geared toward Kindergarten through 6th Grade. The role of the…
FLOW: A Brain Break by GoNoodle
I was thrilled to recently learn about a great brain break website called Go Noodle. This site offers a variety of awesome, free brain breaks to use with children. Included is their newest brain break, FLOW, which focuses on student…
A Lesson About Kindness
Today, I’d like to share a book I’ve used when teaching kindness. Rosie’s Roses, by Pamela Duncan Edwards, is an adorable book about Rosie the Raccoon. Rosie has four roses for her Aunt Ruth’s birthday present. While on the way…
A Treasure Chest of Test Taking Tips
While looking through one of my favorite Test Taking resources, Excite Me! Motivate Me! Test Me! by Sandra Robinson, I came across another great idea. I couldn’t wait to find a treasure chest! Here’s a fun way to share a…