• More Character Breakfast Club

    I want to share examples of the flyer, invitation, and exit tickets I will be using for my Character Breakfast Club.  I can’t wait to hold my first one in the fall.  I’ll be sure to update everyone on how…

  • Character Breakfast Club

    Before I was a school counselor, I taught second grade for thirteen years.  One thing I found very successful for parent involvement was hosting a Reader’s Breakfast Club.  These breakfasts were held once each grading period.  Parents were invited to…

  • 3 Important Tips for New School Counselors

    I remember the excitement and the butterflies I felt as a new school counselor eight years ago.  I had just come out of the classroom after thirteen years and was fortunate enough to get hired as the school counselor at…

  • Guest Blogger for The Corner on Character

    I am so excited to be a guest blogger today for The Corner on Character! Please click the button below to check out my blog post “Making a Difference.” A BIG thank you to Barbara Gruener for inviting me to…

  • School Counselor PR

    It’s amazing how much I look forward to having a summer break, but I spend all of my time thinking about the next new school year!  My first item of business is looking for ways to make my school counseling program…

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