A New Savvy Look and Sale

Blog Button - New2I’ve updated my button and tweaked the “look” of my blog page.  Can you tell what’s different?  I’ve moved from stripes to polka dots!  I wanted a little change without making too much of a change…at least for now.

I’m excited to announce the next site-wide TpT sale happening at midnight tonight:  May 5.  The sale will run through Wednesday, May 6.  During those two days, you can save 28% on all items in my store and most other stores on TpT.  All you need to do is use the Promo Code:  ThankYou for the complete discount.  However, I will be continuing the sale in my store through Thursday, May 7.  Please Note:  The promo code will no longer work on May 7.  You will receive a 20% discount only on Thursday.


Stick around!  You can follow Savvy School Counselor with free email updates.  You can also follow my  TpT Store to keep up with my latest products and freebies.


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